‘Take pride in how far you have come,Have faith in how far you can go.’
Shri L.G Haria School shines with pride, in. sharing with the world another milestone in our journey. On 23 November, 2022, 62 students comprising from classes VI,VII and VIII, had the golden opportunity to pay a virtual visit to the NASA’s Goddard Space Center in Maryland, USA. The virtual visit was held in the school auditorium in the evening owing to the preferred time zones in both the countries. The students and their respective Science faculty were made aware of the tiniest detail of a space mission undergone by an astronaut. The inquisitive and curious minds of our students were heartily welcomed and applauded by the personnel. This session comprising of just 60 minutes and the interaction of our students, has led to this that, arrangements for more such visits to a larger number of students is into a progress.